St Bernadette's Parish - Sunshine North

Message from Fr Silvio

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

During the month of August and the beginning of September most of us enjoyed watching the Olympic Games being played in Paris.  They were a great spectacle of sporting prowess, a coming together of many nations, to encounter each other and compete at sporting events, ranging from athletics to horse riding to water sports, and much more.  Athletes suffering disabilities engaged each other in the paralympic games, and that’s an even greater feat. 

The games are not a modern invention.  They were founded in 776BC and were played every four years in Olympia in Greece till 393AD.   The French Baron Pierre Coubertin was instrumental in the revival of the Olympic Games in 1896, and they are now a major feature in the sporting calendar.

Many young people are inspired by these athletes to take up some sporting activity and devote time and energy to achieve the best they can, and even surpass their limitations.

This week, at mass we were reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians.  Paul says: all the runners at the stadium are trying to win, but only one of them gets the prize.  You must run in the same way, meaning to win. All the fighters at the games go into strict training; they do this just to win a wreath that will wither away, but we do it for a wreath that will never wither.

Taking the hint from the athletic games organised in his time, Paul encouraged the newly converted Christians, and still  encourages us today to take our faith seriously, never losing momentum.  We hope to win as we compete, not against  other people, but against lethargy, our sinful inclinations, and the temptation to give up hope in a loving and compassionate Father.

The way to Jesus is not an easy one.  It is a narrow road.  Like the athletes in the stadium or the Olympic Games, we cannot afford to give up.  Being more fortunate than the athletes, we are assured of God’s grace, which will give us a head start and a push when difficulties arise.

God bless you

Fr Silvio

Welcome Bishop Giovanni Cefai

Next weekend we welcome Bishop Giovanni Cefai who is from Gozo Malta.  He was appointed 1st Bishop of the Prelature of Huancane’ 5 years ago.   He assists the very poor community spiritually and physically.  Bishop Giovann is here for a very short time therefore he will be celebrating mass on Saturday 14th September at 6.30pm.

Paulist Seminarians

In the coming days, Paulist Missionary Seminarians Tran Dai Linh and Ngo Quang Luan will be coming to Australia for a year of practical placement at St. Bernadette and St James (Hoppers Crossing).  While welcoming Brs Linh and Luan, we promise them our prayers.  May this year be a fruitful one for them, as they continue to walk on the missionary pathway.            

Welcome Brothers Linh and Luan!

WENZU & ROZI are back in town:

Maltese parishioners - the musicworx team is excited to invite you to their upcoming community production:  Ir-Ritorn ta’ Wenzu u Rozi: Praspar Ġodda. The stage show is presented in the style of a traditional Maltese teatrin. The show will be held at St Bernadette’s Community Centre, Cooke Ave. Sat 21/09 at 7pm, Sun 22/09 at 2pm & 6pm. Run time: 2 hours with intermission.      

Tickets: $25-$30 with discounts for concession and group bookings. For more information visit or call 0438 549 362.

Pentecost Retreat 18th May

Piety Stall


Our Parish Piety Stall is now open with the help of these lovely people and a few more.  We have been blessed with wonderful Volunteers who will do their best to open the piety stall before and after every mass on Saturday 6.30pm, Sunday 8.30am, 11.00am and 7.00pm.

Lots of beautiful items to look at and purchase for all occasions.


Scripture Reflection

Our Scripture reflection sessions continue every Thurday at 7pm and it is a great way to connect with Parishioners during our lockdowns.  It has been great to see some new faces over the past few weeks.   These sessions are held using the ZOOM video platform so you do not need to leave the comfort of your own home to attend.

If you would like to attend these sessions, send Amanda an email to  and she will send you the ZOOM link weekly.

We would love to see many more faces at our meetings!!



Normal Mass times:

Saturday 6.30pm and 8.00pm Neo-Catechumenal (Pioneers Hall)

Sunday 8.30am; 9.45am (Polish); 11.00am; 12.30pm (Vietnamese) and 7.00pm                                                                                                                                 2nd Sunday of the month 2.00pm (Samoan) except in November and at Easter TIme

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9.15am

Wednesday Evening 7.00pm


Giờ Thánh Lễ bình thường:

Thứ Bảy 6:30pm

Chủ nhật 8:30am; 9:45am (tiếng Ba Lan); 11:00am; 7:00pm


Thánh lễ tiếng Việt: Mỗi Chúa Nhật thứ nhất và thứ ba hàng tháng lúc 12:30pm

Thứ Ba và Thứ Năm 9:15am



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